Studie: Social Media Governance 2010
Studie Social Media Governance 2010 – Ergebnisbericht View more presentations from Fink & Fuchs Public Relations AG.
Dieser Autor hat noch keine Biografie hinzugefügt.Der Autor s.mueller hat 218 Einträge verfasst.
Studie Social Media Governance 2010 – Ergebnisbericht View more presentations from Fink & Fuchs Public Relations AG.
This post was inspired by an article by Hubertus von Lobenstein about „love“ being THE thing in marketing these days. Here is how he approached the topic: So love is the new thing, right? You don´t love your audience? You are doomed. Your brand doesn´t produce enough reasons for your audience to love it? Your […]
Special thanks to the author of this presentation for sharing his witty and helpful tips on how to improve everyday powerpoint presentations. STEAL THIS PRESENTATION! View more presentations from @JESSEDEE.
Laut einer aktuellen Studie kann Radiowerbung auch unbewusst wahrgenommen werden und zu erhöhter Kaufbereitschaft führen.
10 Tipps zum Einstieg in das Thema Social Media, bereitgestellt durch den BVDW e.V. – sehr zu empfehlen.
Bounty Rap – a fresh way to advertise paper towels.
A great example of a modern campaign which did it all: increased awareness, unbelievable word of mouth, direct interaction with its customers, strong brand loyalty, a huge crowd of brand fans and last but not least a significant increase in sales. Congrats! Wow, just had a look at their facebook page: Incredible consumer reactions! This […]
Social Media’S Role in Events and Catastrophes. The Duisburg Love Parade Example.
Social Commerce – What Are We Waiting For? View more presentations from Jurgen Appelo.
Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) from Erik Qualman on Vimeo.
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