Co-Branding: Bier und Traktoren


Ja das gibts.

Die Allgäuer Aktienbrauerei Kaufbeuren AG führt neben mehreren Spezialbieren (und es gibt Einige!) auch ein Fendt-Bier! Was laut Website der Brauerei „aus einer “Laune” heraus zum Fendt-Feldtag in Wadenbrunn entwickelt wurde, hat sich in Form von 3 Bieren, dem Dieselross-Öl, dem Ernte-Gold und dem Vario-Weizen, fest etabliert. Für die Preußen und die nicht agraraffinen Leser, Fendt ist ein deutsches, oder noch besser allgäuerisches, Traditionsunternehmen aus Marktoberdorf, das seit 1930 Traktoren herstellt. Bereits sehr früh etablierte sich die Bezeichnung „Dieselross“ für diese Maschinen, die Pferde als Zugtiere nach und nach ersetzen sollten.
Wie bereits angemerkt, sind beide Marken – Fendt und die Allgäuer Aktienbrauerei fest im Allgäu verankert und blicken auf eine lange Historie. Ein idealer Ansatzpunkt um beide Produkte, die wie Arbeit und Feierabend ineinander übergehen gemeinsam zu vermarkten. Interessant ist hierbei, dass der Aktion wohl kein streng geplanter, detaillierter Marketingplan zugrunde lag, sondern das Dieselross-Öl vielmehr auf einem PR-Gag beruht. Der aber von den Konsumenten sehr positiv aufgenommen wurde, so dass die große Nachfrage der Konsumenten letztlich den Ausschlag gab, dieses Biersegment auf nunmehr 3 Biere auszuweiten und bis heute erfolgreich zu vermarkten.



Und schmecken tut es obendrein!

Niagara Falls in Motion

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Time lapse technique and the rare luck of living close to one of America/Canada’s natural sights…

Niagara Falls in Motion from Matthew Wartman on Vimeo.

The Wired on the Oktoberfest

An Oktoberfest Newbie?
The digital world also offers answers to this field of interest. provides all or better some of what you need to know about the world’s greatest oktoberfest in Munich!

Here’s the link: link

NYT: G.M.’s Road From Prosperity to Crisis

NYT offers a very nice visualization of the history of US auto giant GM and the milestones which lead them from riches to rags..

NYT: G.M.’s Road From Prosperity to Crisis

How Long Can Germany Keep Auto Jobs?


the following article was published in BusinessWeek
September 28, 2009, 12:40PM EST

So far, Germany’s auto industry has escaped massive job losses, but major cuts could soon be on the cards

By Moira Herbst

The recession has caused a dent in global auto sales, but German automakers have avoided mass layoffs. In part, that’s because the German government subsidizes workers whose hours have been trimmed through a program called Kurzarbeit, or „short work.“ A successful cash-for-clunkers program, which has just finished, also sheltered the industry.

But how long before Germany’s blue-collar workers head for the unemployment lines? The signs don’t look good. If demand doesn’t return to pre-recession levels soon, many German automakers will likely begin making large layoffs. Analysts reckon up to 10% of the workforce could face the chop, while others will have to learn new skills to cope with the changes to the automotive sector. „Employment in the auto industry in Germany has peaked,“ says Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, director of the Center for Automotive Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen. „[Job losses] will come, and workers will have to find possibilities in other industries.“

The likelihood of mass layoffs could increase under Germany’s newly elected center-right government. On Sept. 27, Chancellor Angela Merkel won national elections and will now form a coalition with the pro-business Free Democratic Party, which wants to make it easier for German companies to dismiss workers. Analysts warn the auto industry could become a main target.
Changing Market

Even before the recent election, autoworker job cuts already were under way. Dudenhöffer says 2007 marked the high for auto employment in Germany, with about 750,000 jobs split between producers and suppliers. About 30,000 jobs have been lost in the past two years, and a further 70,000 could go by 2015.

„Government support will run out eventually,“ says Ian Greer, professor of economics at the University of Leeds in Britain. „Either the employer starts paying full wages at that point or, more likely without a strong recovery, there will be mass layoffs.“

Changing consumer habits underpin the pending job cuts. Michelle Krebs, senior analyst at auto Web site, says German manufacturers must make the painful adjustment to making fewer expensive premium cars, which generate fat profit margins. The global recession has forced many consumers to downgrade to cheaper, more fuel-efficient, and smaller cars, which offer automakers less lucrative returns. „People want cheaper and smaller cars,“ says Krebs. „That will inevitably affect the bottom line, which speaks to job loss.“

Aware of the changing market dynamics, German union IG Metall, which represents many in the country’s auto industry, is now calling on the government to further strengthen employee rights with a campaign called Gemeinsam für ein gutes Leben, or „Together for a good life.“ The union’s plan includes creating a national minimum wage and increasing protection for older workers. The union regularly holds rallies nationwide with tens of thousands of workers to bolster popular support.
Blue-to-White-Collar Shift

Indeed, the pressures on the industry—and on its workers—are great. Many German carmakers are suffering from excess production capacity despite shrinking demand. „In three to five years, automakers will be struggling with large structural problems, primarily excess capacity,“ says Peter Kaiser, senior analyst at the economic consulting firm Prognos in Bremen.

If more manufacturing jobs head overseas, the German auto industry could shift gears to take advantage of the country’s continued strength in design and engineering. That, suggests Kaiser, could include a marketing logo of „Engineered in Germany,“ instead of the current „Made in Germany“ campaign.

The recession certainly is helping accelerate the shift in the German auto industry from blue-collar manufacturing jobs to white-collar work such as design and marketing. Yet to succeed, auto industry experts say Germany will need to turn out more highly skilled young professionals, especially engineers, and help current workers learn new skills. „The only chance for the German car manufacturing industry is to focus on [keeping] high-quality jobs,“ says Stefan Bratzel, head of the Center of Automotive Research Institute in Bergisch-Gladbach.

Of course, not all German automakers are in the same position. Volkswagen (VOWG.DE) and its subsidiary Audi are holding up remarkably well and may be better prepared for the industry’s ongoing shifts. More troubled automakers such as Daimler (DAI) and BMW (BMWG) similarly have adjusted their workforces to prepare for lower domestic demand and a global move toward smaller cars.
Expanding Abroad

Daimler’s dealings with its workforce illustrate how one German automaker is handling the changing market. The company’s goal is to maintain existing jobs in Germany while adding to overseas operations. In April 2009, management and IG Metall agreed to reduce labor costs while safeguarding employment. That included no official layoffs until mid-2010, but almost three-quarters of Daimler’s 162,800 German employees had to agree to work reduced hours.

„As a Germany-based company, the passenger car business will always have a strong production footprint in its home market,“ says Daimler spokeswoman Nicole Kicherer. „Daimler is also set for growth in emerging markets,“ she adds. Future production will focus on regional markets in Brazil, China, India, and South Africa.

Daimler also is building a plant in Hungary that will start production on the automaker’s small A-Class and B-Class cars in 2012. The project will be combined with an existing plant in Germany, which still will be the main production location for these cars as well as other compact vehicles.

Combining German facilities with plants overseas could safeguard some domestic jobs, cushioning the impact of cuts in lower-skilled production work. The Center of Automotive Research Institute’s Bratzel says lower wages in emerging countries will force German autoworkers to adapt if they want to keep their jobs. „My advice for the car industry is to focus on building innovation and quality here in Germany—creating the car of the future—even if some manufacturing functions move elsewhere,“ he says.

Herbst is a reporter for BusinessWeek.

URL to the BusinessWeek article as well as the latest comments:

Six Reasons Companies Are Still Scared of Social Media


Yes, These Fears Still Really Exist

Whether it’s time-wasting employees or worrying that haters will damage your brand, many corporations still fear the effects of engaging in social media.

Employees will waste time with social media.
Many large corporations block their employees from accessing the internet altogether. Others try to block employees from accessing personal e-mail or social networks such as Facebook during work hours.

In May 2009, according to eMarketer, there were 29 million smartphones in the U.S. That’s a lot of internet access available to workers everywhere — and employers can’t stop them from accessing the internet on breaks, at lunch, in the bathroom, you name it.

The value to workers of having internet access — in terms of research, communication and speed — is far greater than the threat of lost productivity. Companies have a right to make policies and rules about personal use of the internet, but blocking it during work is just stupid.

Haters will damage our brand.
„What about the haters?“ is the first question that comes up at my corporate and conference social-media workshops. „What if people say bad, mean, nasty things about our brand?“

Well, there may be things you need to change about your brand, and in that case, you should thank them for letting you know what they are. Then you should make changes.

If you have built an online community that includes people who don’t hate you, that community will rise to your defense and they will handle the problem for you.

We’ll lose control of the brand.
Listen up: Every person with a computer and even a tiny skill level has the tools to make their opinion about your brand heard by other people. They’re already talking about you.

Message control is an illusion. Give it up.

Your workers are talking about you in closed Facebook groups designed to keep you out so they can talk about you in peace. Your customers are e-mailing, using Twitter and Facebook, and — that old standby — calling their friends about their experience with your brand. You don’t have control. You might as well join the conversation. At least that way you can influence what is being said.

Social media requires a real budget. It’s not really cheap, or free.
While many social media tools are free, knowing how to use them takes experience and perspective.

The boss‘ friend’s high school or college kid can’t integrate social media into the company’s overall marketing. That requires experience and perspective. Having a large social network and a stellar online reputation helps too.

Just as there are carpenters who can knock together a bookshelf and master carpenters who can create objects of genuine and lasting beauty, there are thousands of social-media gurus (of all ages) who’ve never worked for an actual client. Hire them at your own peril.

Geoff Livingston said it beautifully in a recent post:
„Parroting and/or reporting what you see on the Internet does not equate to actual savoir faire. Nor does it make someone fit to offer insights or counsel.“

We’re scared we’ll be sued.
Oh puh-lese. Next!

we’re scared of giving away corporate secrets or that information on social networks will affect our stock price.
If you don’t already have a social-media policy, you need to create one.

If you don’t trust your employees to talk to customers, or to represent the brand, you need to look at 1) your hiring practices, 2) your training practices.

B.L. Ochman

Posted by B.L. Ochman on 09.24.09 @ 10:07 AM
B.L. Ochman is a marketing strategist and blogger and can be found Twittering, at or with her newest venture,

Mercedes-Benz ermöglicht IAA Live-Talk

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Anlässlich der diesjährigen IAA PKW in Frankfurt bietet Mercedes-Benz diesmal auch den „Daheimgebliebenen“ die Möglichkeit sich mit Experten über die Modelle und Techniken auszutauschen. Via Live-Chat können User mit den Moderatoren vor Ort kommunizieren, an Umfragen teilnehmen, Fragen stellen,…
Der IAA Live-Talk ist noch bis einschließlich diesen Mittwoch unter folgender URL zu erreichen:

IAA Live Talk

IAA Live Talk

Griff ins Klo für Erich (Sixt)

Sixt will offensichtlich weiter die Preise anheben um seine Bilanzen zu schönen. Nach der Kilometerbegrenzung von 300km/Tag soll nun eine Reduzierung auf 200km erfolgen.
Zum Vergleich: Enterprise: 4000km/Wochenende
Meine persönliche Meinung: Sixt mag die attraktiveren Autos haben, aber die besseren Preise hat einduetig Enterprise. Und statt sich um 100km weniger bzw. für ein Wochenende nur 900km und nun 800km zu ärgern, punktet Enterprise mit dem tollen Abholservice. In Zeiten wie diesen dürfte Sixt eindeutig die falsche Strategie fahren und hoffentlich Marktanteile an seine Konkurrenten verlieren. Statt den Konsumenten in die Marketingstrategie einzubinden wird der Kunde zu einem verärgerten Gegenspieler.
Die letzte Preiserhöhung hat zugegeben ihren Zweck erfüllt: Sixt konnte seine Quartalszahlen aufbessern. Fraglich bleibt wie sich die aktuelle Erhöhung auf die Nachfrage auswirken wird. Folgende Umfrage unter Mietwagenexperten spricht eine eindeutige Sprache.

Zu dumm nur, dass genau diese (ehemaligen) Kunden in der Regel einflussreiche Meinungsführer (mavens) sind…

Toyota considering diesel hybrid production

There is quite a debate going on about what is more efficient: a high-tech diesel engine such as BMW produces them, or the Hybrid solution in cars such as the Lexus RX. Fact is, and that has long been and supposedly still is, that any hybrid system can only be as good as the petrol engine it supports.
According to the Wirtschaftswoche, Toyota is thinking about introducing dieselhybrids. With the very efficient diesel engines up to 20% gas could be saved compared to petrol engine hybrids. The negative side: diesel engines with their high pressure injection are far more expensive in their production costs. paired with the complex hybrid system, such a vehicle could end up being several thousand Euro more expensive than with a petrol engine. However, there is significant movement in this direction – Peugeot, Bmw and VW have just presented diesel hybrids at the IAA in Frankfurt.
Just by doing the maths, the outcome looks promising: take a 320d with around 5l/100km and add a hybrid to it. Surely it would add some 200 kg of weight but in total this might reduce gas consumption even further. But as with all hybrids, the efficiency depends on where you drive. Hybrids even increase gas consumption when driving outside the city…

Some IAA 2009 Impressions

Today is Saturday and thus weekend. Me and some colleagues from Syzygy decided to visit the IAA in Fraknfurt today to get a hands-on impression of what’s new in the automotive industry. Working on automobile accounts, this visit was mandatory. On my way to the fair I wondered what the must-sees of this year were. And although firm in the automotive sector, there was no groundbreaking innovation I could think of. Maybe I might find out at site…

We got to the Messe Frankfurt quite early which made the visit of the Mercedes-Benz exhibition fairly pleasant. Not too many people. I will drop a few lines to the brands we visited:
-Mercedes: smaller than in previous years due to the fact that they did not use an entire level. The E-Class T-model and the B-Class F-Cell were among the major attractions. not to forget the SLS in red. As always, there was a good light show, a big screen but no ‚runwalk‘ this time. Interactive surface table were rather boring. Except for the one by Smart which was really quick.

Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse T-Modell 2009

Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse T-Modell 2009

Mercedes-Benz in der Festhalle

Mercedes-Benz in der Festhalle

Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG

Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG

-VW had all its cars displayed which barely leaves space for entertainment. All Cars were in white just as the Audis. Bmw did the same two years ago. As to the cars: the Multivan got a new more mean looking front. The Golf Variant was there with a minor facelift. The star may probably have been the new Polo which might cannibalize big brother Golf.
2009er VW Polo

2009er VW Polo

The Phaeton was praised as luxury car but no one really cared if you ask me.
-Seat: also present in the same hall as the rest of the VW family. Some sporty vehicles such as the Cupra versions and the new Exeo / former AF4. But in my eyes those Seats often look somewhat tiny when the tires are too small.
-Skoda: Nice Yetis running around.
Skoda Yeti auf der IAA 2009

Skoda Yeti auf der IAA 2009

The Yeti attracted young families as did the other affordable Skodas.
-Fiat: nice playful exhibition. Similar to sister Lancia which other than Fiat used more darker colors to support a touch of premium.


-Alfa-Romeo: a comparably large exhibition for this niche brand. All vehicles in alfa romeo red and the construction resembling children construction kits. Great job!
Alfa-Romeo Messestand

Alfa-Romeo Messestand

-Ferrari: much too crowded to get a peak at the new Ferrari
-Maserati: see above
-Hyundai: Hello ladies! I must admit, i have no clue whether the small Hyundai was a show car or regular model but the hostess presenting it surely received more looks than the car. In general, the exhibition was fairly big and loud. Sales in Europe are on the rise…
Hyundai mit deutlich größerem Auftritt 2009

Hyundai mit deutlich größerem Auftritt 2009

-Porsche: packed…
-Opel: new dynamics at Opel! Aside from the current turmoil about the future of Opel, the exhibition was well populated. The new Insignia Sports Tourer OPC was presented as well as the new Opel Astra. Big hopes lie on this car. From my point of view, it comes with modern design, efficient engines and decent quality. We’ll see how it performs vs. the Golf VI.
Opel Astra

Opel Astra

-BMW: Well well well! I did not believe when I read it, but BMW did in fact increase its budget for the 2009 IAA. No longer situated in the Agora, BMW Group’s brands BMW, Mini, and RR were now displayed in probably the newest building of the Frankfurt fair. Like a carrera round course, BMWs were driving on the first level while the vehicles were presented on the ground level.
BMW Messestand

BMW Messestand

The new Active Hybrid X6 and 7series were displayed as well as the new X1. In the center of attention was the new Efficient Dynamics show car.
BMW Efficient Dynamics Studie

BMW Efficient Dynamics Studie

BMW also presented BMW Performance, a new special equipment line which can be ordered aside from the M packages.
Mini, still the most fashionable of auto brands brought along its own DJs to celebrate its anniversary. Giant letters in black and white decorated the Mini area. The attraction here: the Mini Coupe show car! And simply the ambiente that also sets the Mini drivers apart from they rest: it is premium, it is stylish it is different.
Mini Messestand

Mini Messestand