
BMW's The Urban Driving Experience Challenge

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BMW teamed up with Local Motors, an online community dedicated to mobility solutions, to crowdsource the search for new mobility trends and solutions that could be integrated in BMW and Mini vehicles in 2025.

Here is the intro trailer emphasizing BMW’s leadership role when it comes to automotive innovations:

Here the design brief video from BMW:

Learn more about the competition here:

The submission phase has just ended, now it is the crowd’s turn to vote for the most innovative and promising submissions until 23 October 2012. The winner will be announced 31 October 2012.

Sounds like an interesting competition and from a first glance at the submissions more than 400 ideas and concepts have been entered. Quite a good result in my eyes. I do not know how and where this competition was advertised (I only read abot it in an automotive blog) but looking at 400 submissions the right audience was reached via adequate channels and platforms.

Take a look at the submissions now and register to vote.

SOM is back and here's a goodie on B2B Marketing

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After a brief cold that came across my way and totall corrupted my schedule I am back on track. Having barely found the time to provide content for this blog here is a goodie published today on
Social Media still is in every mouth and this is very likely to continue for much longer. These two words combine the hopes of oh so many companies out there, fearing to lose touch of their consumers as times change faster and faster. But Social Media can also be of help in the B2B sector. The only trouble is that solution are not as evident as in the B2C field. Open a Jaegermeister youtube channel or a Nike facebook page. No big deal. But in the B2B area you need to be a little more fact-oriented and less entertaining. To successfully apply Social Media here, you might need more phantasy than in the B2C field. Sounds weird? Well, who would have thought that an electronic devices supplier such as Farnell would successfully establish a community (element14) for its business customers where they can exchange their insights, tips, troubles and so on about Farnell products. And it obviously does work and they do love it!
Another aspect is going out into the existing platforms such as facebook, twitter, and so on. This may not be the ideal place to sell B2B goods, but at least what you can do is learn and find the appropriate partners.’s today article provides you with 10 essential Social Media Tools for B2B Marketers. If Social Media is a topic in your business you might wanna check their article. But do not forget: in the end it is still you who has to find out if Socia Media does make sense and does generate real profit for you business! Enjoy!

Here is the link:

O2 wagt sich an eine eigene Social Media Plattform

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Nach dem kapitalen Missgriff von Vodafone versucht sich nun O2 am Modethema Social Media. Erster Unterschied vorneweg: ohne den richtig großen Rummel wie Konkurrent Vodafone. Denn neben vielen anderen Faktoren waren mit Sicherheit das enorme Budget und der daraus resultierende Mediendruck Faktoren, die Vodafone bei den jungen digital natives als unglaubwürdig und kapitalistisch erscheinen ließen. Letztendlich bekommt der Kunde das Gefühl, dass es seine Handyrechnung ist, die derartige Kampagnen finanziert.
Aber zu O2. Die Brötchen die hier gebacken werden sind deutlich kleiner. Man will Web 2.0 erstmal richtig verstehen, so das Statement von O2 . Das Ziel, den Kunden durch die Plattform einen echten Mehrwert zu bieten ist ambitioniert – gerade in Zeiten, in denen täglich neue Portale aus dem Boden schießen. Doch genau Mehrwert und Relevanz sind die Garanten für den Erfolg von Social Communities. Für den Start der Plattform wirbt O2 auf MTV mit einem TV-Spot. Anlässlich der Europe Media Awards am 5.November wird O2 als Sponsor des Events 150 Tickets über sein Portal verlosen.

Schau mer mal was draus wird.