
GoMo with the GoMoMeter!

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Going Mobile is one of the strongest trends of our times and mobile usage is constantly growing. Using the internet on the go not just for text messages but for the entire spectrum the internet offers is becoming more and more attractive. Reason enough to make sure your website is being properly displayed also on a mobile device with a significantly smaller resolution and perhaps even technical restrictions compared to your home PC.

Mobile sites are designed for the small screen, with the needs of mobile users in mind. A mobile-friendly site can help your business connect with customers and drive conversions because users can access it right when they need it – wherever they happen to be!

GoMo is a Google initiative and allows you on their site to not only test your website, but also gives you essential tips on how to design your website to make it fit for mobile devices. It even offers contacts to help you build your mobile site.

Check it out here: