
Social Media Strategists at the Crossroads

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Social Media Strategists, the inhouse alternative to Social Media Consultants and thus in the long-term often the cheaper solution (no mentioning of quality here), do not have an easy position these days. Confronted with high hopes from the very first day, they start their position in a company. Social media experts often have to define their position themselves and often have a hard time to explain their skills to a senior aged management. The embedded report by the Altimeter Group picked up the role of Social Media Strategists and analyzed who they are, what is being expected of them and which career patterns their future bears. As it turns out, many come to a decisive point which decides about whether their future lies in everyday helpdesk style routine or whether they can manage to take their company ahead of the competition. Definately worth a read! Please use fullscreen mode.

How sharing learned online affects our offline behavior

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Here is a really interesting article that deals with a phenomenon you can observe in real life. Spending time online is often said to have negative effects on us: isolation, lack of real communication, lack of physical activity, bad for the eyes, and so on.

This article deals with the fact that online behavior can also affect our offline behavior and in a POSITIVE way! The central statement of the article is that sharing which has become a central element of our digital world effects our sharing propensity in real life. The motivation behind it may differ greatly from person to person but many who learned to share online also do so in everyday life. And in greater numbers than before. Check the article and think abuot if online sharing has also had an impact on you.

Here is the link to the NY Times article:

BVDW: 10 Tipps für den Einstieg ins Social Media Marketing

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Die Fachgruppe Social Media des Bundesverbandes Digitale Wirtschaft e.V. hat Einsteigern einen kostenlosen Leitfaden „Messbarer Erfolg im Social Media Marketing / 10 Tipps für den Einstieg“ bereitgestellt.

Und hier kommen Sie schon:

1. Orientieren Sie sich auch im Social Media Marketing an den Grundregeln erfolgreicher Kommunikationsplanung
2. Legen Sie konkrete Zielvorgaben fest
3. Nutzen Sie Targeting
4. Behalten Sie die Bedürfnisse und Wünsche Ihrer Zielgruppe im Blick
5. Beweisen Sie Kreativität
6. Wählen Sie die richtige Art und die richtigen Orte der Ansprache
7. Messen Sie den Kampagnenerfolg und überprüfen Sie mögliche Wechselwirkungen
8. Entscheiden Sie sich für den richtigen Mix in der Erfolgsmessung
9. Achten Sie auf die Erhebung relevanter Daten zur Erfolgsmessung
10. Berücksichtigen Sie die Erfolgsfaktoren von Social Media-Kampagnen

Und hier gehts zum kostenlosen Download auf den Seiten des BVDW:

Don't go Social Media if….

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well, plenty of reasons to enumerate!
As I had been previously writing about the fact that not every company or organization should blindly invest in Social Media campaigns or open up a group, account or whatever wherever possible, I much enjoyed an article by Lisa Barone on her blog. She lists up „10 signs your company isn’t suited for social media“ – which pretty much covers the issue.

Here they are:

1. You have no social skills (and don’t want to fake them)
2. You have no sense of humor/can’t handle criticism
3. You’re going to forget about it in the morning
4. Openness is a problem for you
5. You’re only there to sell
6. You view social media as a numbers game
7. You’re inclined to call people’s wives ‘douchettes’
8. You think Twitter is a social media strategy
9. You don’t have a ‘social’ culture
10. You don’t have permission

For the details, well you know where that is to be found!
Please see her blog for the entire article.

Social Media in Europe and Germany

We have already shared this lovely presentation on our youtube channel last week (SOMMarketing) and here it is now on your website.

This video/presentation nicely sums up all the facts currently circulating about Social Media and the impact it has on how companies will do business in the near future. Social Media may not be the right tool for every company. But for those it does make sense, this presentation provides excellent arguments to convince marketing execs to go social. However, efficiency, costs and a stringent Social Media strategy which is carefully embedded into the company’s overall marketing strategy still are major „ToDos“ that need to be defined before investing into the colorful world of Web 2.0.

And to the authors: Thank you for creating and sharing it!